How I made $20,000 and 700 sales on etsy, and 10k instagram followers in less than 4 months

So you want to be a small business owner. You want to be a successful small business owner. It’s overwhelming, intimidating, exciting, and fun… Right? When I opened my small business on Etsy I dove right in. I didn’t ask questions or do research, and maybe I should have… But the way I did it worked for me. I learned so much along the way and I had no idea I was going to have so many sales, make so much money, or attain so many followers on Instagram. And although I ended up seeking out a different venture, I want to help YOU be successful in your small business journey. Here’s what worked for me:

1. Create a product that people want
My small shop consisted of glitter. People love glitter. A lot of people have messaged me asking how I got my shop so big… And I think my product was a huge reason for that. It seems like a no-brainer, but you need to create a product that people will want and be drawn to.

2. To make a full time income, you need to work full time
Makes sense, right? It’s a little harder than it sounds. Not having a set schedule throughout the day requires you to be great with time management and scheduling in order for you to get done what you need to get done, and still have time to live your real life. Running a successful small business requires you to work during the day, during the night, during the weekend, during the holidays… When you successfully work for yourself, you’re always working, so having skills in time management and organization will go a long way. Have I scared you yet?

3. Instagram is your best friend
There was a time during my business venture that I didn’t log into my personal instagram account for weeks. Why? Because I was way too busy promoting the crap out of my new business – posting photos, connecting with customers, hashtagging, seeking out people that may be interested in my product… Instagram is an AMAZING marketing tool, and some businesses solely rely on it for exposure. There’s a reason why. Most people who make an instagram get discouraged after they post a few photos and don’t receive much activity. No followers, not very many likes, just no activity. Trust me- When I first opened my instagram I had no idea what I was doing either. But I learned and I am SO happy to share what worked for me. First and foremost, you need to take good photos of your products. Clear, clean, crisp, and professional looking. I always recommend to take them in NATURAL LIGHT! Use a neutral background. I used a white rug from IKEA and just laid the product on that. I did this with my iPhone, so you don’t need a fancy camera. Use editing apps to enhance the photo if needed. (I love afterlight (available in the app store), and I brightened my photos, added contrast, and lessened the exposure just a tad… Worked perfect for me.) πŸ™‚ After you post the photo, add a comment with as many hashtags as you can think of in relation to your product. I’ll give you an example:
mason jar with heart blank chalkboard label - party diy valentine favor idea ready to personalize dr-f75318
CREDIT:,443.html If you were to upload this to instagram don’t just leave it at that! I would add a comment with these hashtags #masonjartumbler #masonjar #chalkboard #chalkboardcup #wedding #happilyeverafter #mrandmrs #bride #bachelorette #heart #love #fruit #summertime #water #hydrate #cute #chalkboardheart #personalized #customized #etsy #etsyshop #shopsmall #etsyseller #brideandgroom #weddingday #fruitwater #sunshine
Seriously… Just hashtag anything and everything that may (or may not ;)) pertain to your photo. There’s people stalking hashtags like crazy (I dunno who but I want that kind of time!) and these hashtags will give you SO MUCH exposure. Each time you post a photo… Hashtag hashtag hashtag! If you need help with a specific photo, e-mail me and I can give you some hashtag examples.
Here’s some more instagram advice- Do giveaways. Have your followers repost a photo you create and give a product away. Sure, you’re losing out on money, but you’re gaining a bunch of potential customers!
Follow and friend other small shops- I can’t even tell you how many fellow small shops helped me reach my success. Handmade sticks together, so if you have a small shop instagram friend that shouts you out, you’ll gain followers. Try to get in on “loop giveaways” with bigger shops. These vary from shop credit to target giftcards. You’ll probably need a good thousand followers before other shops will have you in the loop, but like I said up there… Befriend your fellow small shop community. People are more willing to help than some think!
CONNECT WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS! I have a 78% return customer rate, because I was sure to treat my customers as they are – the REASON for my business! Make sure your customers know how much you appreciate them and it will reward you in more ways than just one! Ask them questions, reply to their comments, give people random coupon codes. They’ll tell their friends about you and will always come back. Post daily and connect with them. The one thing I miss most about my old etsy business is my amazing customers.

4. Make your titles and tags on etsy broad
You want your title to be more than “Mason jar tumbler”. When I was creating my titles, I added things like “wedding, bachelorette, party cup, mothers day”, etc. Things that people would probably search for. And use your tags! They are there for a reason, people actually look through tags on etsy. Just like with instagram, use things that pertain to your photo. You don’t get as much freedom on etsy as they only allow I think 10, so keep it relevant.

Starting a small shop is intimidating, but so rewarding. It’s not as scary as it seems from the outside. Once your in and have the mindset to make it happen, you will! I dove in head first and learned as I went. Don’t limit yourself, jump out of your comfort zone, ask questions when you have them (HI! ;)), have fun with it! Small business world is such a rewarding place to be and there are SO many avenues to help you if you get stuck. Don’t give up!

If you have any more questions or need more specific advice, I’d be happy to answer them and help you, use the comment section below, or feel free to e-mail me!

25 thoughts on “How I made $20,000 and 700 sales on etsy, and 10k instagram followers in less than 4 months”

  1. Thanks for this information! I have been in Instagram for a while I had my granddaughter said it up but I still do not understand it . And I don’t totally get it. Maybe your next blog post can be even more Instagram intense?


  2. Great Advice! Smart Decision!
    I decided to run a business with my sister (non craft related). We thought it would be part time (especially with two of us) but learned you are always working day and night to keep up with the demands of the business AND the demands of your family. Although we had success, we decided to shut down last November for the sake of our young children. I feel like I lost a year with my youngest. I don’t even remember much because it flew by and I was always so busy.
    I miss the people more than anything. It was hard at the beginning (saying goodbye to the business) but as time goes by, I have no regrets. I help other people in their business and get my “fix” but can choose when I’m available with no regrets or guilt.
    I have had the most amazing summer with my boys (6 & 3) so far… And have caught up on some personal projects.
    I’m enjoying this time, learning some new crafts and gaining confidence in them- knowing I’ll have plenty of time when they are a bit older, in school and want nothing to do with playing Legos with Mom! Lol
    Have fun with that beautiful baby!


  3. Thanks so much for your suggestions. You are so generous. A friend of mine’s daughter (who is 13) just set me up on Instagram. A new system for me to learn but I believe it will help me a lot. Thank goodness school is out now because I think my friend will have to help me a lot! LOL Enjoy this time with your kids. They grow up way too fast. I worked a “normal” 9 to 5 job while my son was little but all the other hours were spent with him. We did everything together. It was awesome and we are very close. By the end of this year he will be married and 25 years old. I miss the wild, off the wall toddler he used to be. But I sure can’t wait until he gives me grandbabies!!! Again, thank you for your suggestions.


  4. Thank you so much for all the awesome advice! I’ve been trying to figure out how to boost my etsy shop for a few months now! I have Instagram and I post a lot on there. I do a lot of sales on Facebook but I am trying to migrate away from Facebook as etsy is easier to keep up with. Do you have any etsy shop suggestions? If so, feel free to email me at

    I would love any advice you have!

    Thank you!


    1. I was working from the moment I opened my eyes to the moment I went to sleep, 15-18 hours a day, and I have a three month old son. My heart was in pieces thinking about the small moments I was missing because of work. In the end, it was more important to me to be present in those moments.


  5. Maybe I completely read over it, but what is your name on Instagram? If you are doing a giveaway is it better to giveaway something more pricey to get exposure or start with something cheaper? Maybe you could look at my Etsy shop and see which item would be good for a giveaway. Thank you!


  6. Kelsey,
    I love how peppy you are! I’m sure that it has REALLY helped in your business! I love this post, and am anxious to browse around your blog and see what kind of fun items that you have for sale.
    Your newest follower,


  7. Good advice, tips & tricks, Thanks!
    One important thing I really miss on that list: You need to be passionate about people! Otherwise it won’t work.


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